About Adam

On October 15, 1993, without warning, our lives were changed forever, as Adam became gravely ill.
He was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – Cancer. Within a few days, his body was ravaged by this deadly disease. Adam was no longer the energetic and vibrant child that we knew and loved. Almost overnight, he had become a frightened, weak and desperately ill seven-year-old little boy. It was then that we were to learn from Adam how to compact a lifetime into ten short weeks and leave behind a legacy.
When he was his most vulnerable, when the treatment was worse than the disease, he reached out to others and brought them closer to him. He demonstrated an incredible strength that was compounded by his ability to love. Through all he endured, Adam’s thoughts were with the children that were around him.
From a very young age, Adam demonstrated a generosity to those less fortunate than himself. He always kept a piggy bank in his room “for the poor people”. His concern for others intensified during his hospital stay, as his greatest wish was to return to the hospital when he was well, “to help the children”.
When Adam was unable to verbalize his feelings at the height of his illness, the Therapeutic Clowns came and helped to lift his spirits. These colourful angels provided respite where family and friends could not. Through Paediatric Cancer Research, we hope to eventually spare families the pain and loss of their precious children.
With your continued support, we know we can achieve Adam’s Dream.
About Adam's Dream Fund
Adam’s Dream Fund was established in loving memory and tribute to our son, Adam Prusznowski. The funds raised from Adam’s Dream Fund will directly support two very special programs at the Hospital for Sick Children: Paediatric Oncology (Cancer) Research and the Therapeutic Clown Program. Over the past 28 years, Adam’s Dream Fund has raised over $2.2 million for the Hospital for Sick Children.

Paediatric Oncology (Cancer) Research Sick Kids sees 350 new cases of childhood cancer each year, more than any other hospital in Canada. The prognosis and quality of life for children with cancer is improving. Today over 70% of all childhood cancer patients will survive as a result of improved treatments.
Your commitment to Haematology/Oncology programs at Sick Kids enables the best possible care, using the most advanced medical techniques in the most severe and complex cases, and ensures that Sick Kids remains a place where the most skilled and talented professionals choose to work. Exploring new directions in the fight against cancer and blood diseases is possible only with the support of our community.

Playing, laughing and making friends. That’s what therapeutic clowns have been doing at SickKids since 1993. The Therapeutic Clown Program and Adam’s Dream Fund keeps hope and dreams alive for thousands of young patients and their families each year through support of the Therapeutic Clown Program at the Hospital for Sick Children.
The clown program is critical to the emotional healing of these very ill children through which children and families are safe to express their greatest fears and have the benefit of therapeutic clowning to open the door to healing through gentle play and humour.